"Tell me, do you care about the feelings of the bread you eat? Do you care about the vegetables you chop up? Vegetables have feelings and emotions too, yet you don't seem to care about them. Do you care about Tomatoes as if they are family? You don't, you see them in how you can turn it into sause. Lemme tell you a secret. I feel the same way about the magical boys, (Turns to Obey) O B E Y." Pensuke

Pensuke is an incubator with emotions. He is a hero and totally not a villain in disguise!
Pensuke, or Pensuke the Third was created in a planet sized laboratory as a 5th generation Incubator more than 50 billion years ago. He was created with the genes of The Second Pensuke, as well as another incubator. Incubatorkind itself was created by a species that call themselves "The Race", yet are called "The Abovers" by basically everyone else. Incubatorkind isn't the only experiment created by The Race. The Incubators are merely the most notable creations created by them.
The experiment, "Incubus", was created as a warrior species to spread Entropy and halt the spread of Enthalpy to keep the universe from ending and becoming a "big crunch". You may be asking yourself, "What is Enthalpy"? Enthalpy is a force that is similar to, but not the same as Gravity, and is the opposite of Entropy. It pulls the universe together, unlike Entropy. This problem was the problem that this particular universe faced at the time, and The Incubators are one of the many possible solutions created to solve the problem. Sadly, it turned out to be all for naught.
At one point, he was stolen by a megacult (A combination of a cult, a megachurch, and a megacorp) and was told that he was special. He grew some arrogance due to that. Pensuke was programmed basically to be a dick, just like basically other incubator. Eventually he married another incubator hivemind called Hexuke. Hexuke was a little nicer back then but she was then corrupted by Pensuke. It's honestly a real shame.
Pensuke was deliberately causing Enthalpy to spread in the universe he was born in, and the Abovers then realized... that Pensuke was a failed experiment. After some time, after almost all of his hivemind got killed by The Abovers, he met The Law of Cycles. The Law of Cycles saw some goodness in Pensuke and wanted to let it spread, so she allowed Pensuke to be her high priest. As long as Pensuke will follow her commandments, The Law of Cycles will allow Pensuke to rule forever. Pensuke then destroys the universe he was born in, creating a new universe with the help of The Law of Cycles, created a new "republic", with Pensuke as the """moral""" high priest.
Pensuke had many sons. There was a child that the Law of Cycles prophesied about. the Law of Cycles proclaimed that he would protect the Incubator species from malice and incompetence, something that Pensuke took seriously. Pensuke took offence to that and believed that the child would ban emotions, something that the Law of Cycles didn't mean at the time. Pensuke asked what the Law of Cycles meant and expressed his concerns, and despite hearing the answer wasn't directed at him and that it's likely the child won't do that unless he was neglected and/or Pensuke panicked and still believed that it was a prophesy against him, so Pensuke demanded an abortion! It failed, and the child was born.
Eventually, after some time, he had a son, a son he abandoned for politicking. After his son made some efficient time travel in an attempt to make a prank for his dad, Pensuke called him in. Pensuke forced him to turn it into a weapon. Pensuke lashed out emotionally at him for "offending the traditions of the systems of this republic." For some reason, that son looked down upon emotions, even though at the time, he had them too.
Pensuke created a lot of Enthalpy machines, but without enough energy to back them up, it combusted, and as a result, there were a lot of prison breakouts. One of those criminal factions being, the Entropy Faction. The Entropy Faction breaking out surprised the Incubators, forcing them to prepare for a new threat, a threat they weren't created to fight. The overarching force, of Entropy.
Eventually, there was a race to find out how to stop Entropy. The Incubators were screeching about how the end for incubator supremacy is nigh.  Remember that child that we were talking about? He discovered the source of how to do so. The force is called... love and frienshi... naaaaah, just kidding. What he saw was magic. The nanosecond Pensuke saw it, he thought of how to exploit it, and created The Utopian System of Liches/Litches and Daemons, now known in the modern day as The Magical Boy System is the precursor to... other exploitative systems.
The Magical Boy system is quite exploitative in the sense that you are forced to be dependent on Pensuke. You can be granted multiple wishes, but it must be within Pensuke's power to do so. Pensuke has the power to twist your wishes into something that you didn't truly wish for. The spirit of the wish need not be followed. If Pensuke wants to, he can simply refuse to grant your wish. He can even terminate, take control, take away, and get rid of your wishes. Pensuke has the power to give, and Pensuke has the power to take it away. It is specifically designed that way to bring people to Pensuke, to make Pensuke seem like the only choice they have.
Another way of controlling the Magical boys is the system of telling them what they become, so that they panic, and turn to Pensuke for "help". Pensuke then indoctrinates the magical boys to once again believe that Pensuke is their only choice. Finally, there is a system of Deamons and Litches/Liches. Daemons are from the Entropy Faction, and they are pieces of Entropy (Faction) Gods, which is another story for another time, and finally there is the Liches part.
The resulting Panic Attacks and Anxiety turn the people into liches. When they die, their anxiety and grief get condensed into a single object. They are known at the time as Angst-Samen, or Anxiety Seeds. The "seeds" are shaped similarly to a pin. The modern translation of these mysterious objects is translated as "grief pins". Pensuke manipulates people into getting addicted to it. Those grief pins also monitor the reactions and information back to Pensuke, so that he can find out weaknesses of said magical boys more profoundly than usual.