The Puella Magi Wiki

Kamihama City (神浜市?) is the primary setting of Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica Side Story.



Notable Locations[]

Kamihama City consist of nine wards. Here, the locations are divided based on which ward they are located on.

Shinsei Ward[]

Shinsei Ward (新西区 lit. New-west Ward?) is a ward located in the western part of the city.

  • Kamihama City University-Affiliated School
  • Kamihama City University
  • Mikazuki Villa
  • Gauche Burger

Mizuna Ward[]

Mizuna Ward (水名区 lit. Water-named Ward?) is a ward located in the western part of the city and consist of traditional landmarks such as old town, castle and shrines.

  • Mizuna Girls' School
  • Mizuna Shrine
  • Porano Market

Sankyo Ward[]

Sankyō Ward (参京区 lit. Three capitals Ward?) is a ward located in the northern part of the city.

  • Sankyoin Educational Academy
  • Banbanzai
  • Suitoku Temple
  • Suitoku Baths
  • Suitoku Shopping Center
  • Tomorrow Shop

Chuo Ward[]

Chuo Ward (中央区 lit. Central Ward?) is a ward located in the central part of the city.

  • Chuo Academy
  • Chuo Police Station
  • Kamihama Central Tower

Sakae Ward[]

Sakae Ward (栄区 lit. Honored Ward?) is a shopping district ward.

  • Sakae General School
  • Kamihama Future Academy
  • Game Center
  • Kamihama Record Museum

Kosho Ward[]

Kosho Ward (工匠区 lit. Craftsman Ward?) is a ward located in the eastern part of the city.

  • Kosho Academy
  • Amane Bamboo Studio

Daito Ward[]

Daito Ward (大東区 lit. Big-east Ward?) is a ward located in the eastern part of the city. This ward is home to the city's lower class residents.

  • Daito Academy
  • Kamihama Daito Residential Complex
  • Daito Municipal Graveyard
  • Nishimachi (Swindlers' Town)

Minaminagi Ward[]

Minaminagi Ward (南凪区 lit. South-calm Ward?) is a ward located in the southern part of the city.

  • Hotel Minaminagi Sea
  • Minaminagi Liberty Academy
  • Kaihin Park

Hokuyo Ward[]

Hokuyo Ward (北養区 lit. North-developed Ward?) is a ward located in the northern part of the city. This ward is home to the city's upper class and wealthier residents.

  • St. Lilliana Academy
  • Satomi Medical Center
  • Hotel Fenthope
  • Azalea House
  • Walnut's
  • Moo-Moo Farm


  • According to the map exhibited on the Anime Japan 2019, Takarazaki City is located west of this city and Mitakihara City is located northwest of this city. Kamihama City and Takarazaki City are confirmed to be contigious thanks to Sudachi Sawa's Valentine's quotes whereas the manga adaption implies Mitakihara City and Kamihama City are not contigious.
  • This is the first city in the franchise to have wards.


