Mitakihara General Hospital
The building has been on a tree
Walpurgisnacht has caused a chaos in Mitakihara City
A mysterious girl is about to face Walpurgisnacht
The girl is about to be hit
Madoka comments that the view is terrible
The girl doesn't feel good
The girl tries to say something to Madoka
Kyubey implies that if the girl fails, everything will be lost
Madoka is told that she has the ability to change everything
Madoka wonders if Kyubey says the truth
Kyubey asks Madoka to become a Magical Girl
Madoka realizes this was all a dream
Madoka says good morning to her dad
Tomohisa says good morning to his daughter
Tatsuya tries to wake up his mother
Madoka will eventually wake their mother up
Madoka tells good morning to her mother
Junko has a hard time waking up
Madoka's house's bathroom
Madoka and Junko are brushing their teeth
Madoka tells her mother Mrs. Kazuko's news
Madoka is washing her face
Junko explains the possible future of Kazuko's relationship
Madoka doesn't know which ribbons to use
Madoka with red ribbons is ready for school
Junko believes Madoka's secret fans will be stunned
Madoka must always dress as if she has secret fans
Madoka smiles at her reflection
Tatsuya is eating his breakfast
Everyone is having breakfast at the kitchen
Junko catches her son's falling tomato
Tomohisa asks his wife if she wants more coffee
Junko gives a high-five to her daughter
Madoka should also leave for school
Madoka is running with the bread at her mouth
A vision of Mitakihara City
Hitomi's first appearance
Sayaka's first appearance
Madoka, Sayaka and Hitomi are walking together for school
The girls talk about love and Madoka's mother
Madoka wants to receive a love letter like Hitomi
Sayaka won't let anyone steal Madoka from her
Hitomi doesn't enjoy Madoka and Sayaka flirting
Madoka, Sayaka and Hitomi's class
Kazuko asks from which side an egg should be fried
Nakazawa says that either way is fine
Sayaka believes Kazuko's relationship didn't go well
Kazuko forgot to announce that they have a transfer student
The transfer student walks in
Madoka can't believe what she is seeing
The girl writes her name on the board
The girl introduces herself as "Homura Akemi"
Madoka is extremely nervous
A corridor of Mitakihara Middle School
Homura is already popular
Sayaka asks Madoka is she has met Homura before
Homura asks Madoka is she's really the class' nurse's aide
Madoka nervously says yes
Madoka tries to start a chat with Homura
It seems to Madoka that Homura already knows the way to nurse's office
Madoka calls Homura by her surname
Homura tries to keep calm
Madoka can call Homura by her first name
Homura is mad after Madoka's sweet comment for her name
An awkard and nervous Madoka
Homura turns back to Madoka
Homura asks Madoka if she treasures her friends and family
Madoka loves her friends and family
Homura advices Madoka not to change herself otherwise she will lose everything
Homura solves an advanced Math problem
A vision of the Math problem's solution
Everyone is surprised by Homura's intelligence
Homura in Track and Field
Homura just broke the prefecture's record
Homura's classmates congratulate her
Madoka hides herself from Homura
A vision of the Mitakihara Middle School's field
Kyubey is observing through a plant
Mitakihara City's shopping center
The inside of the shopping center
A cafe at the shopping center
Sayaka is shocked by Madoka's story
Madoka understands Sayaka's confusion
Hitomi asks Madoka if she has ever met Homura before
"I first met her in a dream... or something"
Sayaka and Hitomi laugh at Madoka
Sayaka believes that Madoka acts like an anime character
Hitomi asks what was the dream like
Madoka can't exactly remember the dream
Hitomi suggests that there might have been a meeting between Madoka and Homura before
Hitomi has tea ceremony lessons, decided by her mother
Sayaka wants to buy another CD for Kamijo
Sayaka indirectly replies with a "yes"
Another visual of the shopping center
Kyubey runs away from something
Kyubey dodges some purple magic
Madoka happily listens to
Connect before her life changes forever
Madoka listens to someone calling her
Sayaka wonders where's Madoka going
Madoka has followed the voice to a basement
Madoka looks at the direction the voice came from
Madoka looks around the dark place
Kyubey falls in front of Madoka
Madoka takes Kyubey in her hand
Homura asks Madoka to leave Kyubey alone
Homura stares at Madoka and Kyubey
Sayaka uses an extinguisher to help Madoka flee Homura
Homura is surrounded by butterflies
A Labyrinth is being formed
Sayaka asks Madoka if Kyubey is fine
Madoka doesn't even know what is Kyubey
The girls have entered into a Labyrinth
Sayaka wonders what's going on with the place
Madoka spotted something behind her
A pair of Anthonies appears
A pair of Runes and butterflies appears
Madoka and Sayaka are scared to death
The Anthonies have gone wild
The girls are even more scared
Madoka and Sayaka are saved by something
The girls turn back and see Mami
Mami thanks the girls for rescuing Kyubey, as Madoka explains how she found him
Kyubey sleeps well in Madoka's arms
Sayaka asks the girl who she is
Mami leaves her introduction for later
Mami draws a circle with her right feet
Mami needs to wrap up a bit of work
Mami during her transformation
Mami jumps high to avoid the Anthonies crowd
Mami's guns start shooting the Anthonies
Sayaka is amazed by Mami's strength
The three are getting out of the Labyrinth
Homura appears before the trio
Mami will let Homura chase the Witch
Homura has bussiness here
Mami tells Homura that she misunderstood Mami
Mami suggests that it would be better if there were no pointless fights
Sayaka will protect Madoka and Kyubey
Homura takes her things and leaves
Madoka wonders what's with Homura
Kyubey is being healed by Mami
Kyubey thanks Mami for her kindness
Kyubey thanks Madoka and Sayaka
Kyubey says that he has a request for Madoka and Sayaka
Kyubey asks Madoka and Sayaka to become Magical Girls