I also have book one of the wraith arc but I lent it to a friend
This wiki is super dead (I don't think any admins exist in this wiki tbh 💀✋️) so yeahhhhh probably no admins
I just watched neon Genesis evangelion...so beginner freindly! It was so calm and totally the first episode didn't start off with a bomb!
Yeah this is definitely not the place to be. It's basically just me and a few other users occasionally breathing life into this wiki like it's basically just about 6 users actively on this wiki
Hello! Welcome to the wiki I know I'm like super late to this but yeah you can find madoka magica the show on Hulu and the movies on prime video (but you have to rent them sadly 😔)
Walpurgis is like a global destruction witch capable of leaving behind its domain and traveling freely in the world. Its coming is called "walpurgisnacht" which means "walpurgis night" in german. Walpurgis is one witch i think though.
Nah but if we talk about sayaka WHY DOES SHE KEEP DYING 😭😭😭 ORIGINAL, WRAITH ARC, AND IVE HEARD REBELLION (I haven't completed the manga yet I've been to busy 😔)
Mami mews for training dosent she😔
Nah does Mami mew 💀💀💀💀
I also have book one of the wraith arc but I lent it to a friend
She slayed
Who won.
Yes. I did I found it at half price books
Finally after searching so many stores saving up money I Finally found it and bought it!!! Can't wait to read it!
Don't mind the angle i took it on my bed because I'm to lazy to leave bed rn
People ship it because kyouko sacrificed herself for sayaka and preserved sayakas body after she turned into a witch. Basically because kyouko does stuff for sayaka despite not agreeing with her values
My favorite magical girl kyouko is almost never talked about like even on the wiki I have to scroll for a while before I find something talking about her. Yeah so I love my girlie kyouko and she needs more love.
This is just my opinion you are all entitled to your opinion kyouko is just my favorite and I will state that
SO TRUEEEE (can't wait for the movie)
Idk I'm going with madoka
Yeah totally pmmm is just a cute magical girl animeyou should totally give it a watch first timers! You should also watch berserk.