Does Walpurgisnacht only spawn in Mikihara and can Walpurgisnacht leave a city with out a puella magi killing her
Also, what is it like being a witch?
Walpurgis doesn’t spawn only in Mikihara. It’s a combo of many witches into one, and it’s practically the hurricane of witches.
Yes, it can leave the city.
Unknown(as far as I know) but I would say it is, void of mind, void of thought, just go for destruction
Thanks bro
Sorry for the very late response, i sometimes forget this wiki exists
Walpurgis is like a global destruction witch capable of leaving behind its domain and traveling freely in the world. Its coming is called "walpurgisnacht" which means "walpurgis night" in german. Walpurgis is one witch i think though.
It is said to be a combination of many witches, so it’s a ton of witches in a single form
What do you think?